Over 35 Years of Combined Experience
Wedding Venues and Vendors
wedding officiant & more
Venues for Your Special Day
Find The Perfect Vendors
Need a venue or vendor to complete your ceremony plans? Here are a few that we recommend. Tell them Officiant 4 U sent you! Officiant 4 U is a Philadelphia, family-run inclusive ministry and a member of the International Association of Professional Wedding Officiants. Call us to learn more about how we can serve you!
Top-Notch Venues Around the Philly Area For Your Wedding
Find The Perfect Vendors
Here is an article about restaurants in Philadelphia that will host your wedding. It’s a great way to have a wonderful ceremony, fantastic food, and not break the bank! To read the article, click HERE.
Get In Touch
Inquire today to begin to bring your dream wedding to life with personalize officiant services. We look forward to getting to know you!